Our Story
It’s all about getting by with less. Less plastic, less carbon, less pollution - treating the earth more gently and leaving a lighter footprint
It's easy to feel powerless as corporations and governments do the least possible. We all know plastic waste is a problem, but little changes
LESS& Ltd. (LESSTM) was set up with the belief that if we all make small changes we can together make a big difference. So what can we do?
Aside from completely avoiding products with plastic, the most effective and easiest thing we can all do is to stop buying disposable plastic containers and instead refill reusable ones at home

About 40% of all plastic waste is used for packaging consumer goods, almost all of it single use
Refill With LESS is all about making it as easy as possible to refill at home to prevent this plastic waste
Select beautiful bottles you want to keep reusing and liquid product you like (we hope you like our selection but if it comes from another site, no worries, it still prevents plastic waste!)
We hope you like our site, and if you can see ways we can improve, please say
LESS works on other ways to prevent plastic waste
Since plastic waste is a far greater problem in lower income countries where recycling infrastructure is lacking and will be inadequate for decades, LESS developed a refill-reuse solution suitable for low-income consumers
It runs and funds a pilot in India proving an alternative to disposable plastic sachets, one of the most problematic forms of plastic waste and a primary cause of ocean microplastic
Its low-cost reuse solution was selected by the Indo-Pacific Plastic Innovation Network as a possible solution for ASEAN countries and may be tested in-market soon
Your purchases on Refill With LESS help keep the India pilot and this wider work going. Thank you!